XC Refurbish Day Photos!

veni, vidi, vici

October 3, 2020, 24 volunteers came, saw, and conquered the xc refurbish project, under co-directors Bob Francois (a.k.a. General Francois) and Christopher Armstrong.  The weather was perfect, the paints and stains were waiting at the various obstacles, music was playing, and delicious food was assembled under a tent. (Special thanks to Pat Davis for contributing pinwheels, hummus, and pretzels.)


Most importantly, thank you to each and every one of you who came and gave of your time and talent to transform the newly dedicated cross country field!  It is so beautiful!  xoxoxo


Work force members included: (I sure hope I didn't forget anyone!)


  1. Christopher Armstrong
  2. Marty Armstrong
  3. Jacob Armstrong
  4. Reuben Becker-Klein
  5. Susan Bernini
  6. Kylee Brittingham
  7. Keith (Buddy) Brittingham
  8. Sarah Carey
  9. Ron Carey
  10. Cambria Cella
  11. Stephen Ciamaichelo
  12. Elaine Ciamaichelo
  13. Amy Davis
  14. Pat Davis
  15. Nicole Donofrio
  16. Bob Francois
  17. Patrick Francois
  18. Denise Kinney
  19. Ann Masciantonio
  20. Angela Masciantonio
  21. Maximilian Pils
  22. Charlotte Reagoso
  23. Erika South
  24. Kameryn Stockar


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